The Summer I Turned Pretty
"The Summer I Turned Pretty" by Jenny Han is a heartwarming young adult novel that follows the story of Belly, a teenage girl who spends every summer with her mother and brother at a beach house with family friends. This summer, however, everything is different, and Belly begins to navigate new relationships and unexpected emotions. As the summer unfolds, Belly must face the truth about growing up and the realities of life.
Key points of the book include:
- Coming-of-age story that explores themes of love, family, and self-discovery
- Written in a relatable and authentic voice that captures the complexities of teenage emotions
- Engaging plot with twists and turns that keep readers engaged until the very end
- Strong and well-developed characters that readers will root for and connect with
- Beautifully written descriptions of the beach setting that transport readers to the idyllic summer location
Book details:
- Author: Jenny Han
- Publisher: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers
- Format: Paperback
- Pages: 304
- Genre: Young Adult, Fiction
- Publication Date: May 5, 2009
The Summer I Turned Pretty
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